Sep 12, 2021

Answers to Questions at the Well

Birthday or Anniversary on message board

1) How do I get a Birthday or Anniversary message on the video board?
You can have your name listed during the 1st Intermission Special Greetings List. To submit a name, contact our Group Sales Team at 864-674-7825(PUCK). Please allow 7 days before the game you request.
**Numbers, Names or Nicknames only. Unfortunately, personal messages won’t fit on the list.**

Singing the National Anthem

2) How can I perform the National Anthem at a Swamp Rabbits game?
The Swamp Rabbits are always looking for qualified performers for the National Anthem. We encourage interested parties to send a demo of the National Anthem, as well as “O Canada” if possible, to the Swamp Rabbits directly.

Please send anthem demos (CD or DVD) to:
Bon Secours Wellness Arena–650 Academy Street, Greenville, SC 29601

The U.S. National Anthem is requested to be performed acappella and at a maximum of approximately 90 seconds long. As the schedule allows, selected applicants can potentially be contacted by Swamp Rabbits Game Presentation for a live audition. Traditionally, an open audition is held for Anthem Performers in September, so please stay tuned to the Swamp Rabbits web site for more information in the late summer. Groups interested in performing the National Anthem are encouraged to contact our Group Sales Team at 864-674-7825(PUCK).

In-game contest

3) How can I participate in an in-game contest at the stage platform or on the ice?
based on rules of the contest or promotion, contest and game contestants are either pre-selected as part of a registered promotion or randomly selected the night of the game.

If interested in joining us for a contest, seek out a Game Entertainment Team Member, on the concourse during the pregame hour and find out which promotions are open that night. Good luck!

Copy of the promotion

4) How can I get a copy of the promotion I participated in?

You can request the video file to be sent to you for a fee of $20 If you participated in a contest or other video element, that we produced. or if you are just a big fan of a promotion we produced in-game, you can request the video file to be sent to you for a fee of $20. You will receive 2 files; a file that can be e-mailed and another that you can upload to Youtube or Facebook.

Please mail a written request with the following information:
Your Full Name / Mailing Address / Phone # / Date of Game / Name of Feature
Please make checks out to GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS.  Note that some of our features can not be duplicated due to copyright restrictions. If this is the case, (your fee will be refunded if we cannot fulfill the request).

Requests can be mailed to:
Bon Secours Wellness Arena
650 N. Academy Street, Greenville, SC 29601

Swamp Rabbits Game Entertainment Teams

5) How can I apply to join the Swamp Rabbits Game Entertainment Teams?
Each spring the Swamp Rabbits recruit new members to join the Swamp Rabbits Game Entertainment Teams and The Fun Enforcers for the next season, starting with summer events. Men and women, 18 and over, are encouraged to stay tuned to the Swamp Rabbits website for application information starting in March or April.

Skating skills are preferred but not a requirement and enthusiastic and energetic people of all ages and hockey backgrounds are invited to apply. To receive information on Swamp Rabbits Game Entertainment Teams, contact us at: [update this link]

Suggest a song or video

6) How can I suggest a song or video idea to the Swamp Rabbits?
The Swamp Rabbits Game Entertainment Team is constantly seeking new ideas. If you have ideas for songs, contests, and video elements and looks forward to hearing from our great fans! If you’ve heard a cool song or have any feedback at all, let us know at

Can I propose

7) Can I propose at a Swamp Rabbits home game? Ask someone to Prom? Etc.
We love to bring Swamp Rabbits fans together and if you’re interested in making your proposal to a loved one or other special announcement in front of thousands of raucous hockey fans just let us know!

Depending on time to prepare and available space in a game’s promotional schedule, Swamp Rabbits Game Entertainment can potentially work with you on this very special moment.

We don’t put up random “Will You Marry Me” graphics in-game because of the high chance your beloved could miss it, but if you decide to request a proposal at a Swamp Rabbits game, and the schedules align, we can create a moment unmistakably unique and memorable for you and our fans.

Contact us with your request at: [update link]

Face Painters and Balloon Artists

8) How do I get more information about the Face Painters and Balloon Artists that work every Kids Day on the concourse?
I want to book one for a private birthday party at home or at a Swamp Rabbits game! You can visit for more information on our preferred performers for our games. They have been working with the Swamp Rabbits for many years.

By wb4vkn