
Come and Join Us!

The annual Dues of Membership is $35 per Family or $25 per Individual.
Renewal dues are required on or before October 1st of each year.


We have Booster Club Meetings each Month, (usually on the 3rd Tuesday). Sometimes due to schedule these dates may change. We meet at friendly restaurants that have a private dining room that will hold our group and we go over all the new information and excitement on our team and events that are coming up in the schedule.

Greenville Boosters take their Hockey experience up
to a higher level. I know! I am right there with ’em!— Stomper

We also have at least 3 parties where booster members can have limited interaction with our players (provided that the ECHL and Greenville Swamp Rabbits Hockey Club approve). Read on.

Benefits of Membership

WE at the Greenville Swamp Rabbits Booster Association do support and Supplement MANY activities of our Hockey Team. Here is a list of the fun stuff that we schedule each year for our members:

Break The Ice Party

Early in the Season, we host a Break the Ice Party where we pick a venue and invite all players over for some food as we mingle and meet our new and returning players from last season. Our members usually cook the food and it is a fun time – family style.

Booster Club Christmas Party

Some time in the Season especially around Christmas, we have our annual Booster Club Christmas Party. This is always lots of fun as we cater in the food so that not too much work has to go into preparation. We do go all out with decorations, Christmas Cheer and plenty of gifts for the players and raffle gifts for the Boosters too. Someone usually dresses up as Santa as each player sits on his knee to tell Santa if they were a good boy: or not! :>)

Booster Club Bowling Party

At the end of our Season, we throw a huge Booster Bowling Party, where our players come out for a great time at the Bowling Alley. Our Boosters are paired-up with our Hockey Players as we all try to compete and win. (All in Good Fun). Hockey Players will always get competitive, ya know.

Booster Club Jamboree

During the Summer months, All ECHL and SPHL Booster Clubs gather at a host town to come to a Booster Jamboree. This is a combination of networking, business, news, training, fun, and local activities. This past year was hosted in Kalamazoo, Michigan. After our scheduled meetings each day, we were free to visit the shops and attractions in the town. Such Fun! This is considered an Extra Optional Event and NOT included in the Membership cost. It occurs around July and the next year will be Wheeling, West Virginia and hosted by the Nailers. The year after that it will be at the Worcester Railers. The cost varies, but this is like a weekend stay in a local hotel with a conference rooms. More information will be given during the year for the next Booster Jamboree.

Duties and Services of our Members

With all the fun that can be had with our limited contact with our players, WE DO need each member to participate in the duties below (in some varying degree) to help serve our boys. We feel it isn’t fair to just pay for membership, go to mega-fun player parties, and let a slim few people do all the hard work below. We need all members to do whatever they can to help out.

  • Help with Fund Raising Projects and events, as they are defined.
  • Open and Close local housing apartments (for our players). This includes outfitting place kitchen dishes, pans, utensils, bathroom towels, bedroom goods.
  • Host the Booster Table or Chuck-a-Puck booth at home games, (part time, intermissions, etc.)
  • Raise funds by working concession stands for Bon Secours Arena events (concerts, sports, conventions, etc.)
  • Help to Shop for bargains and deals for players Road Packs and apartment needs.

The annual Dues of Membership is $35 per Family or $25 per Individual. Renewal dues are required on or before October 1st. of each

We are a 501 (c) 3, non-profit charitable organization and incorporated and regulated with Honorable Mark Hammond, the Secretary of State of South Carolina. Because of this status, we do accept donations and/or sponsorships from individuals and businesses to help our endeavors to make our community and our Hockey team better. If you wish to pay by Venmo, we have our QR-Code here which will take you to the correct place to get that done too.