
Our Mission Statement

To work as a group for the enriched enjoyment of Greenville Swamp Rabbits Hockey through participation and support of the GSR management in their endeavors.











 The fiscal year shall be from June 1st to May 31st the following year. 


Section 1 – Application for Membership   

Membership in the GSRBA is available to any individual or family that completes a membership application, along with payment of the required annual dues. GSRBA members should renew membership by October 1st. New members may join at any time.  Membership & renewal could be subject to board approval.

Section 2 – Types of Membership   

Individual Membership – An adult member shall be an individual eighteen (18) years of age or older. 

Family Membership – Two or more members of the same immediate family living at the same addresses.  

Section 3 – Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership 

Members in good standing are entitled to certain rights and privileges including:  

  1. The right to nominate, vote for and elect Officers in the GSRBA, after attending four GSRBA membership meetings. 
  2. The rights to hear, consider, and approve or amend the minutes of the membership meetings. 
  3. The right to amend these Bylaws as set forth in Article VIII of the GSRBA Constitution with board approval. 
  4. The right to recommend expenditures for consideration by the Board of Directors or the General Membership. 
  5. The right to volunteer for committee work. 
  6. The right to attend general membership meetings and functions of the GSRBA. 
  7. The responsibility to uphold and support goals and the purposes of the GSRBA. 
  8. The responsibility to exhibit honorable character and reputation when attending GSRBA meetings and functions or representing the club in any public venue or in any correspondence including but not limited to social media. 
  9. The right to attend GSRBA sponsored parties requires member to have attended at least one meeting within the two (2) months prior to the event. 

Section 4 – Reimbursement 

Any member who requires the payment of approved expenditures incurred for the benefit of the Club must present the appropriate documentation (i.e., receipts, purchase orders, etc.) to the President or Treasurer for payment within thirty days (30) after the date of purchase. All apartment supplies, except microwaves, are the responsibility of the apartment sponsor with a reimbursement limited of $15 per season. Payment may not be made without an itemized receipt. Microwave replacement is to be brought to the attention of the president in order to get board approval before replacement.

Section 5 – Membership Term 

Annual membership shall commence October 1st and shall end September 30th the following year. New members joining in March or after will continue membership through the next season.

Section 6 – Termination of Membership 

Any member may be requested to forfeit membership in the GSRBA for any of the following: 

  • Misuse of the GSRBA name and/or logo; 
  • Conduct seeming to be detrimental to the good and welfare of the GSRBA and/or the Greenville Swamp Rabbits organization but not limited to the team, the office; the arena and/or staff. 

Section 7 – Disciplinary Procedure: 

  1. Purpose of the Procedure/Introduction 

GSRBA’s aim is to encourage and promote the mission statement of the organization. This procedure sets out the action which will be taken when the organization’s rules are broken and/or in the event of gross misconduct and provides a fair, effective and consistent method of dealing with disciplinary matters. 

  • Members are expected to know the mission statement  of the GSRBA and bylaws governing GSRBA
    • Member will be provided with details of the allegations and any evidence in support of this prior to any disciplinary meeting and they will be given the opportunity to state their case.
    • A Member is entitled to be accompanied by a representative or colleague at the meeting.
    • No Member will be dismissed for a first breach of discipline, except in cases of gross misconduct.
    • Members have the right to appeal any disciplinary action taken. 
  • Board Discussions

The board will discuss allegations and review any evidence in support of this claim to determine if there is any merit to proceed with informal discussion with member.

  • Informal Discussion with Member

                Before taking formal disciplinary action, the GSRBA Board of Directors will make every effort to  resolve the matter by informal discussion with member. Only where this fails to bring about the desired improvement should the formal disciplinary procedure be implemented. 

  • Verbal Warning 

                If member breaks rule or his/her conduct or performance is unsatisfactory, the member will be  given a verbal warning or performance note. Such warnings will be recorded but disregarded   after six (6) months of satisfactory service, providing there have been no subsequent disciplinary issues. However, notation of verbal warning will be kept by secretary for control purposes. 

  • Written Warning 

                If the conduct is regarded as more serious or member breaks rule or his/her conduct is  considered unsatisfactory after they have received a formal verbal warning, a disciplinary meeting may be called and a written warning will be caused to be issued to member. Member will be made aware of the infraction via written warning. This written warning will be sent as a Certified Letter with a Return Receipt. Said letter will come from a person designated by the Executive Board. 

  • Gross Misconduct and Expulsion. 

A member can be dismissed without notice on grounds of gross misconduct. Membership forfeiture by expulsion for cause requires a (3/5) three-fifths vote of the Board (Except if person is a board member up for termination, in that case, they cannot vote.) Expulsion must be confirmed in writing within ten (10) business days of the date of the disciplinary interview. In case of termination any membership dues previously paid will be forfeited. Reinstatement will be at the discretion of the board, should member decide not to  appeal. 

  • The Right to Appeal  

If member wishes to appeal against any disciplinary decision, they must appeal, in writing, within five (5) business days of being notified of the decision. In the event of an appeal, the Board will appoint a non-partisan committee of five (5) general members to preside over hearing the appeal. A date will be set to hear the appeal. At that time the GSRBA and member have the opportunity to present evidence as to why they should or should not be expelled from the GSRBA club. At conclusion, the Appeal Committee will have (3) three weeks to submit their decision regarding the member’s appeal. 


Section 1 – Establishment of Annual Dues   

Dues for membership in the GSRBA shall be established by the Board and voted on by the members meeting prior to the renewal date (October 1). Changes in the annual dues, if any, will be reflected on membership applications, posted on the website and included in all current forms of communication. 

Section 2 – Payment of Annual Dues 

 Membership renewals for the following season will be accepted no earlier than March 1st for the upcoming season.  

Section 3 – Use of Funds 

Any and all funds collected by, accumulated by or donated to the GSRBA must be spent only to promote the purpose of the GSRBA as stated in the bylaws. No part of the net earnings of the GSRBA shall go to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, or officers , except that GSRBA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes of GSRBA.

All checks require two (2) signatures, one (1) each from either the President, Vice President or Treasurer.  Amounts of $250 and above require membership approval.

Officers authorized for ATM Cards shall be the President and the Treasurer. 

Club funds may be used to provide General Liability insurance for the GSRBA, and bonding insurance for all board members. The bonding insurance shall be no less than ($10,000) Ten thousand dollars, with all the Board Members adhering to the rules and regulations of such insurance. 


 Section 1 – General Information  

An audit may be conducted on the finances of the club by a financial advisor appointed by the club at any time during the fiscal year.  The financial advisor shall present to the President the result of its finding including any recommendations which will then be presented at the following general membership meeting. 


Section 1 – General information 

All Board members must be members in good standing of the GSRBA, and have been so for a period of at least one year.   

Each Board member shall not hold more than one Board position at a time including a Pro-Tem position. 

The term of office for all Board members shall be (2) years.  Board Members may serve (2) consecutive terms.  A board member not completing a full term of office, or any outgoing member who is no longer an officer shall surrender all records, monies, properties and anything else belonging to the GSRBA to the Board  within ten (10) days after leaving office. The General Membership will be made aware via email or by regular mail that the position is open. A General Member can then state their intent for that position.  A vote will take place at the next general membership meeting as close as possible to 30 days from when notice was sent. Voting will be by appearance at the meeting.  Parties that stated intent must be at the meeting.  Members up for election must be present at this meeting except for an emergency situation.  The Vice President must be notified of this absence.

Any Board member who misses (3) three Board meetings or (6) six total meetings (board and membership) in a membership year may be evaluated by the Board of Directors. If it is believed that this member is not fulfilling their duties, the Board of Directors will require the resignation of this member from their Board position. 

Section 2 – Board Meeting Procedures

Meetings – The Board of Directors shall meet each month prior to general membership meetings, subject to schedule changes and summer sessions.  

Quorum – At least two thirds (2/3) of existing Board members, of which one must be the President or Vice-President, shall constitute a quorum to conduct business at any Board meeting for the GSRBA in which the President will only vote in the case of a tie. 

Order of Business: 

  1. The President or Vice President(s) shall call the meeting to order; 
  2. The Treasurer shall give the monthly financial report and present any other pertinent financial information; 
  3. The Vice-President(s) shall present reports as needed; 
  4. The President shall provide a report regarding any pertinent activities and announcements; 
  5. Review old business; 
  6. Introduction of new business; 
  7. The President shall note the date, time, and place of the next Board meeting and request a motion to adjourn the meeting. Such a motion must be seconded and approved by a majority of the Board members present. 

Section 3 – Duties of Each Board Member

All Board members shall be ready and willing to assist other Board members in their responsibilities as needed or requested. Each Board member will ensure their responsibility is covered due to their absence at a meeting, game or event. 

Any Board member who is in receipt of money from Club activities or membership dues must ensure that all funds are transferred to the Treasurer for deposit with all appropriate documentation within 10 days of the receipt.

Each Board member shall maintain complete and accurate records of their area of responsibility.

President:The President shall be the general executive officer of the GSRBA and the Board of Directors. 

He/she will be the primary liaison and work closely with the Greenville Swamp Rabbits for all GSRBA business.  

The President is also responsible for making and presenting an agenda for all Board and general membership meetings. 

Vice-President(s):The Vice President is in charge of charities (handles fundraising and seeks out potential organizations for GSRBA to support). 

The Vice-President and/or Assistant Vice-President (hereafter referred to as Vice-President(s) may act in the absence of designated President and/or other board members. 

The Vice-President(s) shall preside at all general membership and Board meetings of the GSRBA in the absence of the President and shall assume all duties of the President in his/her absence. 

Secretary:The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of all meetings, a record of attendance of all members, reports of all other GSRBA functions the Constitution and bylaws (along with all amendments), and the membership roster in books or electronic media and shall be the custodian of all documents of value and responsible for other properties belonging to the GSRBA.

The most recent past meeting minutes will be presented for approval and amended as needed or necessary.  

They shall keep all correspondence in a book and receive and distribute all incoming GSRBA mail. 

The post office box (P.O. Box) shall be controlled by the secretary and/or member at large.  

The secretary shall be responsible for providing the board a copy of the minutes within 10 days of the conclusion of the general or board meeting. 

Treasurer:The Treasurer shall collect funds due to the Association, pay bills as instructed by the Board, keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements, and prepare a written monthly and annual report.  

Monthly reports will be presented as a hard copy and read at general membership meetings and accepted by a quorum of the club. 

Annual reports shall be presented at the meeting immediately following the beginning of the fiscal year.  

The signatures of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, shall be on file with the bank and all checks must be signed by at least two (2) of the three (3) authorized officers. 

Members at Large: Members at Large duties shall be assigned by the Board.


Section 1 – General Definitions 

  1. Nominations:   The Vice President shall present the slate of candidates for all Officer Positions up for election at the meeting prior to the election meeting. After the slate has been presented, the Vice President will then request open nominations from the floor. The nominated candidate’s name will be added to the election ballot provided that they meet all of the requirements set forth in Article 5, section 1 of these bylaws. 
  1. Elections:  Elections will be held at the April meeting with ballots.   As of the 2019 elections the  Vice President, Treasurer and half (1/2) the Members at Large shall be elected in odd years. The President,   Secretary and remaining half (1/2) of Members at Large shall be elected in even years.  At the April membership meeting election ballots will be distributed to eligible voting members in good standing. Those ballots will be tallied by the Committee. Nominations will not be allowed at this meeting. In the  event of tie votes, run-off elections shall be held.    All votes and tallies will be confidential.  A member who is a nominated candidate cannot tally the votes. 
  1. Commencement of Term: The term for newly elected members of the Board of Directors begins immediately upon election and all documents need to be handed over no later than ten (10) days of the election. 


Section 1 – Meetings 

General membership meetings will be held each month during the season, subject to schedule changes.  Emergency meetings if needed shall be scheduled by the Board. Members will be notified via electronic means as soon as possible. 

Section 2 – Quorum 

Two thirds (2/3) of the Board, one of which must be the President or Vice President, and no less than 25% of the current qualified voting membership constitute quorum. 

Section 3 – Order of Business 

  1. The President or Vice President(s) shall call the meeting to order.  
  2. The Treasurer shall give the monthly financial report and present any other financial information. 
  3. The Vice President(s) shall present their reports.  
  4. Other Invited Members shall present reports as necessary. In order to accommodate the needs and schedule of this member, the order of presentation may be changed.  
  5. The President shall provide a report regarding any activities and announcements.  
  6. Review old business.  
  7. Present new business 
  8. The President shall note the date, time, and place of the next general membership meeting and request a motion to adjourn the meeting. Such a motion must be seconded and approved by a majority of the general members present.


In the event of liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the GSRBA, whether voluntary, involuntary, or by the operation of law, the property or other assets of the GSRBA remaining after the payment, satisfaction, and discharge of liabilities or obligations, shall be held for a minimum period of one year and then distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.